Succesful works? Not yet, but you may contact me on discord. Archie#3747. Give me a 2000-word sample of your work and I'll edit it. You can judge if I meet your requirements.

I'm not open to taking more clients at the moment, but you're asking for too much.

A minimum of two chapters a day is an insane availability requirement, and a maximum of $3 per chapter—especially if your chapters tend to be around 1500 words long, as one of your most recent chapters was—is insultingly low.

Even a bottom-of-the-line Fiverr editor will charge you something like $0.007/word, or about $10 per 1500-word chapter.

If you find someone able to provide the quality you want at the rate you want, then all the power to you... just be aware that you usually get what you pay for in this business.

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