Let's swap, will send mine too
Review swap
Sure, let me add it to mi library
Uzowei_Tehillah https://m.webnovel.com/book/'tales-of-the-demon-hero'_19109699806442905. This might be weird for you but I am accepting any kinds of reviews and a little support for this. So, thank you very much in advance.
Uzowei_Tehillah just reviewed your novel! Please review mine as well
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Zherie17 Zherie17 Zherie17 Here's my link, I've reviewed yours
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Uzowei_Tehillah review posted. Thank you.
Lovelydaisy review posted. Thank you.
Done reviewing yours. Here's mine https://webnovel.com/book/23422471306645605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4321320853 Ty.
Done, thank you.
Jolan_Hildebrandt Done! I genuinely like the story, I hope it takes off
Uzowei_Tehillah I think I've reviewed this
Sure, shall look into it