trumpet_creeper01 Sure. Here is mine link.
Hello!! Anyone up for review swap??
Hey everyone! Are you tired of the ARE YOU HUMAN Verification? Do you want real time review swaps, genuine feedback on your writing, FREE POWERSTONES, GLORIOUS PROMOTIONS, or just want to connect with other writers/or readers? Then you should check out our Discord Audertist! Feel free to join and invite a friend along. Hope to see you soon!
Surbhi_mithil hi, checking your book now
Missy_Castillo yup! If you like the story do give a review and vote ...will do the same.
Surbhi_mithil done leaving a review and added it to my collection already
ayexun hi, would you like to swap review and collection with me? here's the link to my story. Thank you
Missy_Castillo Hi!, I am interested. Do you mind Swap reviewing with me? If you don't, here's my link. ^.^
Miss_Asriya hi, yes of course, will let you know once I'm done
Miss_Asriya done leaving a review to your story, please do mine as well. Thank you!
Missy_Castillo review swap
_eellaabbee review swap
Surbhi_mithil hi, would just like to ask if you were able to check my book and kind enough to leave a review? Thank you
zigginah hi, done leaving a review. Please do so with mine as well. Thank you.
zigginah Hi, i'm done leaving a review to your story, please do so with mine as well.