Hello!! Anyone up for review swap??
Surbhi_mithil hi, checking your book now
Missy_Castillo yup! If you like the story do give a review and vote ...will do the same.
Surbhi_mithil done leaving a review and added it to my collection already
ayexun hi, would you like to swap review and collection with me? here's the link to my story. Thank you
Missy_Castillo Hi!, I am interested. Do you mind Swap reviewing with me? If you don't, here's my link. ^.^
Miss_Asriya hi, yes of course, will let you know once I'm done
Miss_Asriya done leaving a review to your story, please do mine as well. Thank you!
Missy_Castillo review swaphttps://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/22660278806861505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4315396230
_eellaabbee review swaphttps://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/22660278806861505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4315396230
Surbhi_mithil hi, would just like to ask if you were able to check my book and kind enough to leave a review? Thank you
zigginah hi, done leaving a review. Please do so with mine as well. Thank you.
zigginah Hi, i'm done leaving a review to your story, please do so with mine as well.
Missy_Castillo Not yet but will do ..give me some time to read.