I'm a new writer in in this. Recently I have started to write a novel. But my novel is not supporting voting. What can be the reason please help me

    Subtorren I have also I thing to ask. At first I added one chinese and one korean character. But then I come to know that putting chinese/japanese/korean character can cause novel lock or ban. So I immediately removed or more likely replaced those characters with different name. Now will it have any affect on my novel? I have published just 4 chapter and 7.5k word till now...

      22 days later

      @CKtalon can you help me out. I have a story called "Power Game_", I think the underscore led to it getting blacklisted. Also, I don't know if you can help me with this , but my older id(which i lost access to; id is Daoist6bVXuF) needs to be deleted as it created a novel called "Power Game", and now I have to name the original version with an underscore. Thanks in advance

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