Zuleihat hey let's swap reviews
Review swap, review for review
Yusuf_I_JR hey thanks for doing mine I will do yours but it will be in a while as I was free hours ago And now I am busy. I promise I'll do it just not right now
Kara_wish_writes hey i am going to review yours .pls read mine and give your review .here is my link https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/23506283306195705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4321428501
Thank you in advance .
Yusuf_I_JR sure I'll check it out here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-second-chance-of-having-youth_23569521406633405
0Mashroom Thanks... done
Surbhi_mithil currently reading yours
Julie_Ahn_2826 thank you
Surbhi_mithil I already did yours now pls could you do minehttps://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/21053161706245005?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4314336979
I have a new book, to review I'll do the same for yours.
Kara_wish_writes ya , it's done.
GMSJakers https://www.webnovel.com/book/saga-of-edea_23463904505667905/markus-esen_63154734923571939
Reply first, I'll do the same to your book.
Please read and review my work.
From birth to him being seven years old, Osmond ward knew only about his village. He thought that the world was beautiful and one day he will venture into the unknown and see it for himself.
It all changed on that day.
Orcs and goblins and ogres flowed. They plundered, raped and feasted.
On that day he witnessed nightmares in life.
Orphaned and powerless, he was saved by a stranger. A man to whom he was forced upon.
What will Osmond ward seek now?.
Author's note:
I am a non native English speaker.
This is my first work. I wanted a story with non op characters and real stakes.
I support all forms of constructive criticism and i hope you will enjoy my work.
Link below.
Yusuf_I_JR Done with yours here's mine https://m.webnovel.com/book/my-throne_23647413906198505
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@Rainbowprincess Hey do you want honest review swap with me?
Do mine I'll do yours https://m.webnovel.com/book/my-throne_23647413906198505
- Edited
@Zuleihat Hey let's swap review
Here's mine https://m.webnovel.com/book/my-throne_23647413906198505
Please review my book, give vote and support my book.
Yusuf_I_JR okay I'll read and review yours here's minehttps://m.webnovel.com/book/the-divine-system_24114993206281905
aleksandra_pano10 I'll review yours here's mine https://m.webnovel.com/book/the-divine-system_24114993206281905