JohnGut if you have a certain genre in mind or plot that you wanna read - posting on the forum would help. There are tons of writers waiting ti refer their stories to you :p

- Jul 17, 2022
- Joined Feb 6, 2022
Shadow_Magus sure. I will review as donutluver.
Tharish99 I will review as "donutluver"
Juliet_Omuadona I will review as "donutluver"
Bunny_Junnie so I would be down. I will reply as "donutluver" I read the story and reviewed. You write really well
NicholasZZ wanna swap? username is donutluver
Juliet_Omuadona wanna swap? My username is donutluver Edited
Dara_Manuel I didn't realize you locked your chapters - but your writing is really good! I throughly enjoyed the chapters and you get my collection - I need to read more once I get some more coins
I reviewed as donutluver
- Edited
Tharish99 wanna review swap? Reply when you're done please ! your book link isn't working
- In Review swap
Empe_ror99 I checked ur story and reviewed it as well under donutluver. Thank you!
Zuleihat hey let's swap reviews In Review swap
Empe_ror99 hey could u review my story? I will review yours too. Send me a reply once ur done!
Kara_wish_writes I reviewed your story as donutluver
Kara_wish_writes hey I'm interested in a review swap. Just reply when you're done and I will do the review. Give me ur story link as well
Empe_ror99 can you review my story? I will review yours too. Just reply when you're done. yep! I read ur story and reviewed it as donutluver and liked your page.
POW cam you review mine too? I will review yours as "donutluver"
Thank you
- In Review swap
RomanceFanatic028 hi can you review my story as well? I will review yours. Please reply when done.
_Rockbison_ hey can you review my story? I will do the same for you! Reply to me when you finish my review. I will also like your author page if you like mine!