Comment on my chapters and review on my stories
Drop your link for review and comment if you are interested.
Gather here for review and comment
Little_North_Star I have done that. Please try and comment on my chapters too and add it to your collection.
Sanjiv_09 I didn't see your comment or review.
DonDenis do mine
James_Faith_6435 pls do mine also
I will do the same to yours!-mr-ceo_23812648406661205
Little_North_Star Hi, are you still up for review swap? Here is mine, it only has 2 chapters and won't take you much time if you want to go for an honest review,'s-beloved-is-a-little-troublemaker_23876510506204105
Please do ping me if you are willing and I will also review yours
Here's mine, please comment and review as i go do yours
You should put the link of your novel, i think you placed a wrong link leading to your profile?
I've reviewed yours please review mine too thanks.
Cash creates a simple and quick strategy to work part time and procure extra $15,000 or considerably more than this on the web. By working in my extra time I made $17990 in my earlier month and I'm exceptionally blissful now in view of this work. you can attempt this currently by follow subtleties here........
James_Faith_6435 I am interested, do same as I do yours. My link's-daughter_23816037605443005
Little_North_Star I am interested, do same as I do yours. My link's-daughter_23816037605443005
AliceSki I am interested, do same as I do yours. My link's-daughter_23816037605443005
Roth_Raven I am interested, do same as I do yours. My link's-daughter_23816037605443005
Please read and review my work.
From birth to him being seven years old, Osmond ward knew only about his village. He thought that the world was beautiful and one day he will venture into the unknown and see it for himself.
It all changed on that day.
Orcs and goblins and ogres flowed. They plundered, raped and feasted.
On that day he witnessed nightmares in life.
Orphaned and powerless, he was saved by a stranger. A man to whom he was forced upon.
What will Osmond ward seek now?.
Author's note:
I am a non native English speaker.
This is my first work. I wanted a story with non op characters and real stakes.
I support all forms of constructive criticism and i hope you will enjoy my work.
Link below.