Who wanna swap reviews and comments??
Review swapping August 2022
Who review my book, I also review his book.
@D004 I did yours and it was exceptionally wonderful. Sorry for the late review, I love it. Glory of Gods
Rainbow420 I'll review for you, read mine whenever and leave a review
DonDenis I would love to! Here's mine.
f0011 might be strange but thank you for reading in advance. https://www.webnovel.com/book/tale-of-the-demon-hero_24207507706053505
Who support me, i support him. My book link.....https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/23461924805631705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4316869302
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@Little_North_Star sure! I finally have time! Also, if you get the chance go check out my new project, The Monkey...
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Excuse me, but what book was this, I kinda can't see past the error lol
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I read a good chunk of your book, it has its here's and there's but it's an overall good book which I'd recommend, me personally, imma stick to writing, sheesh I haven't gotten to do much of that lately, anyways, hope everything goes well, and have a good one.
Anyone looking to swap reviews today?
This is mine, The Monkey...
Review and comment honestly its good and bad if there are any and I'll review yours today.
Ink_Quanta I'm on it!