Vegito_Blue if you don't mind, you can give my novel a chance. It's title is "Love N' Cheese". It's based on a cliche theme of 'CEO/Billionaire/mafia' category since it's a WSA entry. However despite that, you won't find the novel cliche in itself. It's slightly slow-paced and quite fluffy at initial, however things will start to take an interesting turn as more you'll discover the characters and their backgrounds.
So yeah, if you liked the idea here's the link for you to check it out'-cheese_23359681005042805
Have a good day! ฅ•ﻌ•ฅ
Tired of sorting through wish fullfilment novels
Vegito_Blue what a coincidence. Mine is female leading actually, and she's sort of twisted so...
XLullabyx who? Me?
Sneakycat098 SORRY. I made a crucial typo and left out a 'not' . I meant that I'm not interested in the aforementioned genres
I feel like a ruined this thread with typos and miscommunication. I'm just gonna open a new one.
No Harems, huh? Well, I've got some here:
The Criminals Trilogy (contains no female lead characters, it presents actions and something weird from time to time):!_22305434306712905,,
Undeads are walking (It has multiple POVs):
- Edited
XLullabyx Loool hell nah I was criticizing those and happened to make some "well placed" typos
Read proper books then.
Uncle_Sheogorath I have and I was asking for recommendations
This is a compilation of my recommended novels, I hope it fits your taste!