Need 3 new novels to choose from daily voting ~ only 6 is not enough. (Always having 9 would be good)
Especially since there are no Xuanhuan and Xianxia available ! At least have 1 of each category to choose a novel from would be pretty good.
Daily Novel Voting / NEW novel choices needed.
Ditto! Cough Perfect Superstar, Awakening and Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Cough
Chrissy will they release more of the old novels at this point? Because all the new novels will start with zero votes and it will take a huge amount of time for them to get released, but even then I think the CEO novel or the immortality novel with 6k votes will get overtaken pretty easily (Depending on the new novel choices)
2 sci-fi novels week after week chosen and now again instantly a new sci-fi novel added? would be nice if this would be also the case for xianxia/xuanhuan.....weeks nothing available to vote for these most popular genres (for example mp or LoHP are top 3 xuanhuan powerranking) :(
Zong_Yang this is in my opinion a shitty choice for a sci-fi novel, its a face-slapping bullshit IRAS mix. They didn't have "real" sci-fi here in a Long time. But you have a point that there should be at least a novel from every category, no xuanhuan and/or xianxia limits my novel choice right now
Vote counts didn't reset either so I don't see much changing as far as the upcoming order. Except possibly My Cold & Elegant Ceo getting surpassed by Thriller Paradise.