Can't you complain that they delete comments? I click report a violation, but the answer options are so strange.
Up for revolution , delete app!
ShadowMonarch185 lol man it's my post and we spam 100+ rate 1 star app ))
ShadowMonarch185 and spam many many email text))
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RevolutionMan Is sad, but I dont think they will change something, looks like they want to remove the webnovelsite to focus in the app, probably becouse the app makes more money. Webnovel had a lot of mistakes in the pass years but they never backed down after the "updates". Looks like people like me that only read in pc are going to migrate to other webs.
Very disappointing behavior from the web novel. I doubt they even thought before such a massive change. I am thinking of switching over all my work to other websites if they don't change. The only useless response Webnovel service has been giving is that the app is safer and can give you coins... COINS! Did you guys hear this amazing news?? We get coins?! Who cares?!
Now they won't expect all the people from different countries, speaking different languages, that can't use the app to be upset; or the writers that have a slave contract that is forced into dealing with these irregular changes. These are just a few of the major problems associated with this change, whether they are financial or emotional, it does not matter for them. Apologies for the long rant, just felt frustrated like everyone else. Seriously, what were they thinking was going to happen?
Anyway, I am glad that there is a community fighting against this, since my favorite authors, novels, and fanfics will only be devolving because of this beautiful change that Webnovel squatted over and released into our mouths, with warm generosity.
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RevolutionMan ¡Viva la revolución!
Fun times.
I personally would recommend RoyalRoad, here's one of their masterpieces.
El Partisano.. Maybe my heart broken but my emperor soul immortal!))
Valar Morghulis !
israel_araujo_7677 in my opinion there is a lack of a site that has easy searches, on fanficnet and it is very difficult to find the fanfics I want
RevolutionMan i estoy de acuerdo esto dé la app es una tontería y con la app no se puede usar el Google traductor
Miguel_Sayjin scribblehub, royalroad, ranobes net, readwn, mtlnation .. And many many
Went to the discord apparently their aren’t enough PC readers to make a difference and they only care about English readers. Don’t hate me just what they said.
RevolutionMan panda-novel a
Liquid_Culture the successfully crippled their site many of the viewers come for fanfic and the fanfic writers stay because of how Webnovel was now it’s gonna be complete doodoo it’s a shame because I was thinking of making a fanfic and this happened
Authors/Writers if you're migrating your works/Fanfiction in Scribble hub please before you upload in that website put a Fanfiction tag or just the fandom for your Fanfiction, Thank you
Kono_phineas_da amazing how things can go to shit so fast, yesterday I was reading happy and today I'm on this shit day
Good night or good morning guys. Revolution forever!))
RevolutionMan You worked hard for us, enjoy your slumber and I wish you wake up to a new day, where evil is gone and readers can enjoy the peace of using the website. Viva La Revolution!
The worst thing is that this week new fanfics were released, apparently very good; like the guy who reincarnates as a buffed colossus in the dc universe, or the guy who reincarnates as a pumped viltrumite also in the dcverse. I was looking forward to new chapters of these works; but it's hard to know if the author of them will continue to post...
LazinessGod I was reading Jack Hanna's
Up. Go rate 1 star app but need download and after delete. After delete long normal text and 1-2 star) good luck with war again))
After rate app go email spam ahaha