Quisiera que porfavor arreglen esto, porque causa muchos inconvenientes esta actualización, quitan y matan cualquier buena experiencia y permitan que se pueda leer desde el navegador de la pc

I am very disappointed with the latest features now even though I have been a user for 2 years but because of those features I have to work hard just because it has to be downloaded on my phone. although i used the translator feature on the web a lot but now it doesn't work anymore and i hope it will come back again like before.

    Kamsurik_980 I'm the same friend, I'm the same because there are fanfics that are in another language and I used the translator to read them but I'll do as it doesn't let me read on the web anymore I can't translate anymore it asks me "download the app to continue reading" seriously, it is Seriously we don't speak a thousand languages ​​to read in another for something there was the translator but now he lost that

      Set_Jin Estoy de acuerdo contigo, yo soy de latino américa, y como la mayoría de la gente, solo hablo idioma nativo, y pienso que la función de traductor en los navegadores es una herramienta divina. y si ya no se puede usar más la pagina web, por lo menos que pongan la función de TRADUCTOR y si es posible también me gustaría la función de "leer en voz alta" que tiene Microsoft Edge ya que las utilizo siempre.

        I don't own either an android or iphone, what am I supposed to do?

        Haha, this feels like reading a highly reviewed/favorite completed fanfiction on fanfiction.net with 300 chapters until 290 chapters and on the next 10 chaps author wrote "Go to Patreon, pay then read". XD

        FYI, the one I'm talking about is one of the overlord fics, forgot the name, forgot the chapter count too. He got crazy amount of hate review after that move, XD

        Set_Jin Me pasó lo mismo, hoy como cualquier otro dia entré para leer mi fanfic traducido con el google translate y no pude porque me pide que descargue la app, la tenia descargada desde antes pero como ya debes saber todas las novelas está en inglés, precisamente por eso usaba la página.

        I told with a staff member, and she said me that they removed the option of read in the web, because the people can see the private chapters

        @"Resolveee"#p574175so that they implement the translator in the app because there are very good fanfics but in another language or that they solve this problem one of two

        Set_Jin m still able to read it online
        On Firefox they have this reading mode where they just display the basic text on the screen
        So i just use that to read
        But that's irritating me now
        I'm switching to scribble hub
        Sry webnovel but you forced me
        Our journey ends here

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