Ather47 Honestly I think 1 rubbish, they will probably fix it when they see that +60% of readers will stop reading since there is no 1 google translator in the app and most users are from different language countries

this is stupid thing to do. i can't be on my phone all day and can only really read on the computer during the day. please stop limiting the ability to read the chapters online.

I'll give you my honest opinion.
They screwed up. Concretely, their site lives thanks to the small authors of fanfic and thanks to the fact that Google can translate all the texts of their sites.
First reason why they screwed up.
By putting an "advertisement" that prevents reading the chapters of all authors (those who have a contract with them as well as small fanfic authors) without warning them or asking their opinion. They will just scare away small authors on other more "free" platforms.
Second reason why they screwed up.
The website allowed a large community of people who did not necessarily speak English to read titles that were in English thanks to google which allowed a translation of the text into the language of the speaker.
Third reason why they screwed up.
By putting an "advertisement" that prevents readers from reading the chapters, they will just choose to go to an alternative site, of course why have half a chapter when you can have the whole thing right away.
And the direct consequence of this mistake is very bad publicity for their app that trying to force the "sale" (even if the app is free) will just backfire because dozens of bad reviews will be posted.

To finish, I would say that if they don't rectify the situation during the day, they will lose at least a third of their user (those who have just registered on the site) if they do not rectify the situation within the day in two to three days so I'm confident to say that at least half of all their users will be redirected to an alternative site.

    average_ff_enjoyr In reality, it's not going to change anything to put a bad note, it's just going to piss them off and relax a little because you're going to vent your anger on a place where it's a bit logical to pour it out, but concretely it's not going to change anything although this may still piss them off because they still destroyed their site just for this application so

      this is really stupid. Honestly, I expected after they blocked translators on novels, they would not stop there. But it came so quickly for the better or unfortunately. Unfortunately, because many were not ready for this, so not many authors have copies of all the chapters, sometimes they are simply lost. And it will take some time before they move to another platform, and that sucks.

        This is horrible I read on my Computer after work with Read Aloud text to speech as I really don't have the energy to read manually. What can I say Webnovel become very unfriendly to pc User. Even I I want to stay they force me to leave.
        Hope they change it soon. If not happy to met you lads.

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