average_ff_enjoyr In reality, it's not going to change anything to put a bad note, it's just going to piss them off and relax a little because you're going to vent your anger on a place where it's a bit logical to pour it out, but concretely it's not going to change anything although this may still piss them off because they still destroyed their site just for this application so

    this is really stupid. Honestly, I expected after they blocked translators on novels, they would not stop there. But it came so quickly for the better or unfortunately. Unfortunately, because many were not ready for this, so not many authors have copies of all the chapters, sometimes they are simply lost. And it will take some time before they move to another platform, and that sucks.

      This is horrible I read on my Computer after work with Read Aloud text to speech as I really don't have the energy to read manually. What can I say Webnovel become very unfriendly to pc User. Even I I want to stay they force me to leave.
      Hope they change it soon. If not happy to met you lads.

      Trash scum move. I'm saving my library offsite and looking for alternatives. No way i'll go to their app, i would rather download malware.

      Ather47 I can't tell if it's to force up to use the app or not.
      Ether way i'm not going to use the app to read on, the text is to cramped for my liking and i can't focus on sentences when their so compressed. Going to wait for a while and see if they reverse the change or not, or i guess i'll find somewhere else to read.

      Dumbest move on their side and it gonna be too late when they change it a good number of reader are gonna go to other sites. Some of the fanfics authors I like to follow have already decided to take their stories to other sites and stop updating on this one.

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