This is horrible I read on my Computer after work with Read Aloud text to speech as I really don't have the energy to read manually. What can I say Webnovel become very unfriendly to pc User. Even I I want to stay they force me to leave.
Hope they change it soon. If not happy to met you lads.
About Beign Unable To Use PC Or Laptops To Read Novels ON Webnovel
Ather47 awful decision, i have been here for a long time and am thinking about leaving because most of my reading is on a windows pc and there isn't a version of the app for that
Trash scum move. I'm saving my library offsite and looking for alternatives. No way i'll go to their app, i would rather download malware.
Ather47 I can't tell if it's to force up to use the app or not.
Ether way i'm not going to use the app to read on, the text is to cramped for my liking and i can't focus on sentences when their so compressed. Going to wait for a while and see if they reverse the change or not, or i guess i'll find somewhere else to read.
Isseisenpai sim eu uso como google tradutor se eles não volta a trais vai sair perdendo muito
Dumbest move on their side and it gonna be too late when they change it a good number of reader are gonna go to other sites. Some of the fanfics authors I like to follow have already decided to take their stories to other sites and stop updating on this one.
I mean it is called Webnovel, not Appnovel....
Budasnow meh they think short time, not long terms
On the other hand I've read a few paragraph comments using wordings like "the people in this app".
Ather47 It's as shitty as you can get.
yeah this website is getting shitty and more shitty every update like really this is one of my only things to do cause i got eidetic memory which means as soon as I read some thing I remember it for a long time so yeah
awful decision.
- Edited
It sucks I read on PC because there is a translator now, not even a translator in the app and I don't like to use my cell phone to read
dont leave 1 rewiev stars on the app they delete them report them for hate and pput a capture fo some ultraracist chinese novel instead
aleix_lorca ? I don't get what you mean by, "report them for hate and put capture for some ultra racist chinese novel instead" Like, we should report racist novels?? Bruh, it's a novel not real life. Author can be as racist as fuck in the novel for all i care, again it's a novel. Doesn't mean i would read it or not leave a 1 star review, but there is no reason to report for that .
Isseisenpai I agree bro I'm here mainly for the fanfics
Ather47 Its utter bs. I have been reading on pc for at least 2 years hundreds of stories hundreds of hours just to get off for a few hours to find I can't read past a certain chapter anymore without the app. After all they have done with pay walls and ads this was the final straw. All I can say is I hope scribble hub adds dark mode soon so I can enjoy my new reading site more.
Ather47 This place is getting worse. Install the application to get a fast pass, but after you uninstall it. I get tired. I read fanfics in the site and in the originals using Google Lens, but only if you see more abusive ones. I don't know for how long I can follow the stories that I like unless they block me from there, so I won't look for new stories around here, the ones I follow I hope they migrate to other places.