Publishing problem in inkstone
Hello, I published a chapter. Cheers man.
yansusustories done
YourSmileIsFading i changed the order
basabookk done please do not re-edit it before we fix the bug. it will be fixed tonight. you can re-edit your chapter tmr
OmnipotentDad your chapter is there but without a title.....
17Sphynx17 they can delete them but not re-edit.... Thank you 17
TheLonerLion yes, not now. it will be fixed tonight.
Scherazade done
Sorahana done
DesolateNightSky done
smugscholar done
Dannnnz Thank you very much, master. May you live thousands of years. kowtows
Dannnnz Sir, is character names like "Merec" or "krea" consider non-English character? because I can't still post a new chapter
here is my work
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dannnnz thank you. I wonβt edit for now
i released one chapter, you can delete the other two in inkstone.
Scherazade thank you
Dannnnz LoL
if only fantasy can become reality easily. I hope I have a ninja technique that can help me get things done.
Dannnnz Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience.
We just update a new version of inkstone. I think the publishing problem has been solved. If you still get the problem, do not hesitate to contact me.
We just update a new version of inkstone. I think the publishing problem has been solved. If you still get the problem, do not hesitate to contact me.
Dannnnz thank u Dan!
@Dannnnz Btw, Dan I got confused everytimes I want to update my chap and count the words. Well, it's not just 1 or 2 times words counts was mistake on counting my words like I just update some chap with 2000 words but words counts display 600 or 500 the worse was when it said I just had 22 words! LoL
AidaHanabi If you use the symbols <> anywhere in your chapter, it will mess up the word counts, so replace those for either [] or ().
DeJeL oh okay thank u.
@AidaHanabi aq liat kmu d mana2.
Iri banget sama kamu yg bisa sering2 mampir ke forum. I'm too busy to do it.