lo_rezi if u are interested then let me give u 5 chapter comments in each of ur novels.... It means 15 chapter comments on ur 3 books....
And for that u have to give me 15 chapter comments on my 1 book ( as l have only one book😅😅)....

If u agree plzzz do it from chaoter 10 tp 25..... Or after 10 chapter.... As l have a lots in the earlier chapters.....


Plzzz give me a reply so that l can start my work☺️☺️

    lo_rezi hey done.... U can check.. l've read all three books of urs and gave my chapter comment... Hope it will help u....
    But can l ask u something?? Like y ur views in those books are so less?? U deserves more... So hope u gonna work on it....
    And hope u gonna do my work as soon as possible too😅😅

      _Rockbison_ AM done with yours and I really enjoyed your book

      About my reviews I'll surely work on it
      Thanks ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

      Hello!!! How are you all doing? I am new here. Just started writing my first ever novel yesterday. Just finished writing my second chapter and just published it. If you could read my 2 chapters and let me know what you think, I will read yours and let you know what I think.
      I will add to the collection as well, please let me know if you will, thank you.


        lo_rezi Might be strange but thank you for reading in advance. https://www.webnovel.com/book/tale-of-the-demon-hero_24207507706053505. https://www.webnovel.com/book/tale-of-the-demon-ruler_24212683405791205 I wholeheartedly welcome any 'kinds' of review/s for this Books. Leave yours on the comment section and I will try to give MY HONEST (a bit brutal) thoughts/perspective/review to those after I updated my Book II. this week.

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