Frorstyflame this one worked. Read few chapters and loved it. Left and rewiev and gave you a colection ❀😁

    I think I rewieved everyone and gave collections hope to hear your opinions from each of you in return
    Lots of love 😁 xxx

      vesnxx hey done... I have given u some detailed comments not just nice chapters good chapters..... So hope it gonna help u☺️☺️...
      Now waiting for urs.... By the way really enjoyed reading ur story.... Its really nice... But why it doesn't have enough views... I mean it deserves way more then that.... l wish u luck with that story.... Hope the views will increase soon.....

        _Rockbison_ honestly. Even when i reached 2k it was a big number for me. I am gratefull to anyone that is willing to giva a try to my story. So thank you very much and ofcoursebi will return the favor. ❀

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