Just saw it. I will do the same

    makss Would you like me to do yours? Thank you. Here is mine just in case, might be strange but thank you for reading in advance.

    Book One: https://www.webnovel.com/book/tale-of-the-demon-hero_24207507706053505.
    Book Two https://www.webnovel.com/book/tale-of-the-demon-ruler_24212683405791205.

    I wholeheartedly welcome any 'kinds' of review/s for this Books. Leave yours on the comment section and I will try to give MY HONEST (a bit brutal) thoughts/perspective/review to those after I updated my Book II. this week.

      Hello, so, I need some review for my book, and the terms are:

      • Do a review for my book here:

      • After reviewing my book, please reply 'DONE' to this post, and drop your link.

      • I will also review your book with my second account, but don't review with spam words such as: great author, more chapters, etc.

      I will read your book too and give a honest review 

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