I speak Spanish and understand the basics of English but it is not enough to read in the application, if there was a translator there would be no problem, but there is not. Any problem understanding why we can't use the app?
webnovel is doing it again
The problem, for me at least, is that I have trouble reading on my phone for more than a small length of time with my ageing eyes. I do have the app on my phone and use it for the daily login and votes to get FPs. I just find it a lot easier to read on my large computer screen than my small mobile screen.
Choka even though i can speak english, I'm more comfortable reading in my mother tongue
Is it my idea or does this only happen with Android users? I am a PC user and at the moment the ad to download the app has not appeared.
This change is completely and utterly ridiculous. Yes, yes, people can download the app. But some people hate reading on their phones. There were zero issues doing the batch unlock chapters beforehand on a web browser. Why the push now?
Rival789 If any of you share a solution to this problem, please let us know
This is something that is affecting PC users. The reason many PC users haven't had a problem yet is that, for me at least, it manly happens when hitting chapter 38 - 42 of a book. Right when most go from free to read, to needing to unlock chapters.
Need to do a bit more testing, but so far it's looking like if you unlock a some chapters with the app you can continue reading on the computer for that book. Annoying, but possible workaround. As I said tho, still needs more testing.
Stop trying to force people Webnovel. We’re sick of it.
Choka if I had a translator built into the app to translate like fanfics and novels I would use it and another problem and for those who use pc who can't download the app
SalsitaHabanera2k yup we need change plataform