Lumpish_Haggard must be some of that damn weed with some of our burnt spirit stones....
More Rewards for Original Novels
this sucks
Qidian needs to have a separate powerstone thing for Original Novels, I need all mine to keep my favorite translated novels up on the rankings.
Where can i find the number of views for my novel? I only know from the comments and there's only 4.
I get it that they’re trying to give bonus rewards to support the authors. But power stones are coming from the readers, so what’s in store for us?
i`ve entered the rankings in top 50s, so i only need 14,800 power stones! YAY! 27chapters in 5days! im too wasteD!
OmnipotentDad Then, it goes back to zero a few days later XD rip hahaha
Poche Better if they got seperate power stone for original and translated so readers could vote their favorite original and translated novels.
Promeo Even authors need to pay the bills if you expect authors to put in the time needed to create good quality works money has to come in somewhere or else you will only get unfinished, unedited hobby projects that belong on fanfic sites.
BaiSiwa Uhm, Im the rank 19 fish, and I think I can swim just fine! Hope you enjoy the top water as us lower fishes prepare to attack! Just kidding, congrats on the reward man.
Cobyboy that would be good to me, atleast i`ll have a chance to catch up!. they already got alot of followers, cus they made their books 3weeks before me! , if i get to top 10 in the first day, i could atleast get new viewers!
Quhon it would be a lot of work for you, if you write it in your language, i respect your decision but i would suggest a more effective way, if you have enough time and money to spend, just write the chapters in english and hire an editor or you can ask any expert in english to voluntarily help you, if he does help you than you can just enjoy writing your chapters the way you write and leave the grammar work to your editor, if you can't find an editor i suppose you can just do whatever you want...everyone shall respect an author's decision. :thumbup:
Why bother a separate PowerStone System? Up Till now I didn't reall Care about PS as Top Translated Storys mostly stayed at the top. But now with Original Novels the PowerStones have gained new Value for me (supporting favourite Author/Story),
But yeah, the more Storys come in ... the more you want to Support ... The less you can actually distribute ... The Numbers keep getting thinner and thinner, but maybe, this is a good Thing. It might become easier to reach the top but also increase survival of the fittest.
What I have also realized is (maybe Just Imagination) that Storys that came since Day1 are more popular or Storys that came later or come in now, have it harder to get recognized. I think that is Natural as older ones could somewhat establish themselves, while newer ones need time (more chapters, Story Progress) to get "Discovered" and recognized and then maybe comes the jump through the DragonGate