What exactly does that mean? They also told me that it was recommended on <New release> and something else, but I never found where my novel was recommended. Could you maybe help me?
My novel will be recommended on <Ongoing Originals>
Being recommanded is definitivly a good signe, but I'm not sure about the frequency, I've been writing for more then a year and it only happend twice and pretty recently .
I think that it's a pretty big deal since it means you have enought reader and a good quality, and depending on what happend you might get contracted, but don't get to exited you moght gte recommanded multiple time and never contracted, and don't expect to be recommanded more then once a month.
Choka I have re-uploaded all the chapters , I want paragraph Comments chapter 1 to chapter 8,
I would do the same, Just read my book give honest review and Add to collection
Retsag I have re-uploaded all the chapters , I want paragraph Comments chapter 1 to chapter 8,
I would do the same, Just read my book give honest review and Add to collection
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I can imagine how happy you are. I personally still can not finish my novel. I'm missing something, perhaps inspiration. I even started buying college essays, found it on the next page by accident. That's how lazy I was, I just lost interest in everything. I do not know how to return it, this is my first novel and I already have such problems. Even began to think about what is not mine. Of course, my relatives support me, but this is not what I need. I wonder how everyone else coped with this kind of depression.
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i was recommended like 3 times in the span of two months is this normal ?????????????? @Retsag
Well, yes, it just means that your novel is popular and has a high enough quality to meet the standers and be recomended.
If its been recommended that much it probably means that you might get contracted soon (if you ask for it)
Retsag thanks for letting me know