Lu_Shui Hey, Lu, I am currently available to dish out some honest reviews. Just so you know, I am having trouble reviewing the links sent here. Please write the name of the book you would like me to review after you have done mine so I can click on your profile from your review and review back. Here is the link to my book.

    Who is up for a WSA review?! Now, if you review both my books, I will review two of yours or if you have one book, I will review them twice so, here are mine! Both are on WSA but you can choose any or both to review. I would prefer you review the last wolf, though, if you want to review only one. ❤ Reply done and I will be on your book immediately. If I am not, it only means I am not online at the moment. Just have some patience and I will get to it the moment I get back. 😁

      11 days later
      4 days later

      #newchapter #webnovel #wn_update #updatechapter
      Title: Screw the Sage: Suddenly Twins (StS: ST)
      Webnovel contest: Fantasy Carnival

      Suddenly, Fritz awoke and saw that he was attracting some attention. "Mr. Fritz, what are you doing?" "Nothing, ma'am," he replied. "So why do you suddenly rise up and make a position as if you're shooting an arrow at me?" His teacher raised an eyebrow, questioning him.

      Webnovel Link:

      Hope you enjoy and please consider leaving some feedback; it helps me as a writer. 😊😊😊

        8 days later
        12 days later
        Web Novel Novel Ask