I found that when I wanted to read the next updated chapter of the comic books in my library, they cost three fast pass instead of one. I verified in three different comic books. Is this a program error, or on purpose?
3 fast pass for the next chapter?
The stingy bastards aren’t making enough off the writers
Dane_Anderson on purpose. they never inform about these changes. time to quit the app
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It's on purpose. This company has done this kind of thing for years, and always will. My entire post history here is evidence to that fact - I've lost track of the number of times the readers have been spat on.
It wouldn't be so bad if the changes only affected new novels/comics that start publishing after today's date, but nope... they'll do it to things you might have been reading for years too, even if you've spent a small fortune on them.
Whether you're a paying customer or not, and whether you wholely or only partially rely on freebies like fast passes, always assume it will cost (much) more money and/or take more time to unlock all chapters than your initial estimates would have you believe! Always assume Webnovel will increase the effective cost at some point down the line!
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Same here, but worse. They made it so that the very next chapter is 2 fast pass, and then the ones after that are one fast pass each. When I unlock those chapters, the very next chapter costs 2 fast passes when I come bck the next day.
I have the same problems I have to use 2 fast pass to open one chapter and the number of coins to open a chapter also increases further in the book from 9 coins to 15coins now this is a robbery
This is a change that WN has done without telling anyone, again.
As far as I've found out...
up to 14 coins = 1 FP
15 to 24 coins = 2 FPs
25 to 30 coins = 3 FPs
30+ coins = ???
These are the prices for novels. I don't know if these are the same for the comics, but I would assume so.
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The proplem the want us to pay more for machine translation