I can't access novels or comics of daily Recommendation. I clicked on the get fast pass but it only shows black and white in the shape of how it used to be. Is it just me or everyone?

- Apr 21, 2024
- Joined Nov 17, 2017
My comment was deleted for some reason - I thought it was weird that the energy stones were there and yet there wasn't anywhere I could use them. I was going to start a bug report but it seems to be the same for everyone. Just commenting is so annoying having to check that I'm not a robot again and again. I only use this for daily check in and 2-3 books that I have been reading for years. After they finish I'm not going to use this app. I'll read novels from novelsupdates. There are many good ones out there like on hostednovel. Also fanfics can be read on site which works better that this app. They changed the whole outlook but it's just layering a dark skin on the previous one which makes it worse since you can literally see it being layered on if your connection gets slow. Also the battery consumption has skyrocketed since the new look for some reason.
Also I had to check 5 times that I am not a robot while I wrote this.BlackRabbitz135 I see. Thanks for telling us. Maybe they'll create a new voting using energy stones. Highly doubt it.
I thought it was weird that the energy stones were there and yet there wasn't anywhere I could use them. I was going to start a bug report but it seems to be the same for everyone. Just commenting is so annoying having to check that I'm not a robot again and again. I only use this for daily check in and 2-3 books that I have been reading for years. After they finish I'm not going to use this app. I'll read novels from novelsupdates. There are many good ones out there like on hostednovel. Also fanfics can be read on site which works better that this app. They changed the whole outlook but it's just layering a dark skin on the previous one which makes it worse since you can literally see it being layered on if your connection gets slow. Also the battery consumption has skyrocketed since the new look for some reason.
Also I had to check 5 times that I am not a robot while I wrote this.Same here I was going to start a thread. I wonder if they removed it? The new app is quite bad. They turned everything dark by layering it over the previous one so it doesn't work properly.
It s been 3-4 days but whenever I watch a video for fast pass it doesn't give me the fast pass and instead there's some network issu. I need to refresh and then watch the video again to get a fast pass. Is this issue genuine or does webnovel simply wants me to watch 2 videos for a fast pass?
This is dead
Yes please stop!
[unknown] - Exactly!!! The only Important reason besides it being annoying
@Webnovel - ...
@Webnovel - ...