TGIF is an event that will happen on periodically. Obviously, TGIF will be hosted on Fridays and the event details will be totally unpredictable, even for Webnovel employees. It could be a promotional event, a mass release, or the release of a new series. Anything is possible! The one thing our fellow Daoists need to know is that TGIF is fun and beneficial for all readers. Don’t predict what will happen next week because you won’t know it! Just ENJOY THE FRIDAY!

Hello fellow Daoists, it’s Friday again, which means it’s almost the weekend~

This week’s TGIF has two surprises for everyone:

1. Mass releases!

  • Seeking the Flying Sword Path – 5 Chapters
  • Strongest Abandoned Son – 10 Chapters
  • A Billion Stars Can't Amount to You – 20 Chapters

2. Free spirit stones!

We hear that many people didn’t manage to receive last week’s gift cards.

But, have no fear, Daoists! This week, we’ve decided to give out a total of 4,000 free spirit stones in order to console everyone's broken hearts!

This weekend, so that more Daoists can benefit as well as to make the game more interesting, we’ve decided on a Scavenger Hunt!

Martina shall randomly place 80 codes within the most recent chapters’ translator thoughts of certain books. Only by solving the clues, or by having incredible luck, will you be able to find them.

Below, you’ll find our clues for the Scavenger Hunt. These clues include:

##1. The time that the codes will be placed
##2. The books that contain the codes

Those who successfully solve these clues can obtain the codes that can be exchanged for spirit stones.

Here are the clues:

1. The time that the codes will be placed

  • The navel of the earth, 27°09′S 109°27′W, a six without a head, a nine without a tail

2. The books that contain the codes
These books will be the books ranked X, Y, Z, and T on Saturday and Sunday.

  • X: How many solar terms are there in the Chinese lunar calendar?

  • Y: How many years old does the Chinese phrase “花甲” refer to?

  • Z & T: There’s a certain number of chickens and rabbits locked together in the same cage. If you count from above, there’s thirty-five animals. If you count from below, these animals have a total of 94 feet. How many chickens and how many rabbits are there in total in this cage? The number of chickens is Z, while the number of rabbits is T.

Daoists~~~ Please do your best to utilize your smarts and crack the clues!

BTW,We will be having our 2018 Webnovel fan meeting session in Singapore on June 8th.

Those daoists who want to participate can visit the address below:

Some smart Daoists had found out the answers !

You guys are brilliant~

One more clue about the time:

  • Moai

Good luck~

May 28

The answers


00:00 of Easter Island

If you enter the coordinates into Google Maps, you will discover that it is located beside Easter Island. Also, in the words of the locals, Easter Islanders call it ‘the navel of the Earth’. The Earth, a navel, a 6 without a head, and a 9 without a tail makes up 0000.

Moai is the label of Easter Island.

Therefore, fellow Daoists who cracked the code would know that I would post the codes at 00:00 Easter Island time.


X: 24

Y: 60

Z&T: 12, 23

And based on the rankings if X, Y, Z, T, many fellow Daoists found the answer. All if you are really smart~

    Huhu I don't understand the first two riddle of the time.

    X and Y questions are related to Chinese ...I tried finding answer for Y ,I hope I can make it up before the release of codes

    there are 24 solar terms in the chinese Lunar calander....Author please release many chapters of "the strongest system" i can read it With passion

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