X and Y questions are related to Chinese ...I tried finding answer for Y ,I hope I can make it up before the release of codes
So no hidden marriage
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I'm not chinese. How can i know that term you reffered in y
vaidheswari Google is your best friend
I hope somebody could translate Y question!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Google is your best friend
Google knows you better than a Google bestfriend would know.
Thanks paperplane! 20 chaps is far best mass release I went to a read.
Figured out the books...
Now I cant figure out the time though... :(
Sigh it's always hard to get free ss
mealoneguy I‘ll give more clues if you guys need
there are 24 solar terms in the chinese Lunar calander....Author please release many chapters of "the strongest system" ...so i can read it With passion
MirSuhail The editor is still editing... please give him some time... Orz
There are 12 rabbits and 23 chickens....12+23=35...and.(12×4=48,23×2=46,.So...48+46=94)
MirSuhail Dude you just answered the last puzzle...
Why don't you let others burn while you get the codes???
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Yes need a few more clues....
figured out the last part of puzzle in time but not the 1st and 2nd part.
mealoneguy ...Actually i am not clearly getting the puzzle...Firstly it is time then there are books marked XYZT...but how can i get the SS
MirSuhail time is when the codes will be published.
X Y Z T are the books where the codes will be published.
You got to redeem codes....
mealoneguy But XYZT refer to the codes such as 24 in first ie,X=24...is this any book within Webnovel
mealoneguy Check the clue again, I made it more obvious
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Help me out...I am not getting the Connection between first clue and second clue...
MirSuhail Check the clue again, I made it more obvious hahaha