Is it better to pre-write a lot of chapters and release as I go or release as soon as I write? I'm currently writing a chapter once every six hours ish but I'm not sure how my schedule will look in the future.
Had a question about release styles
ArdentMidnight I would suggest to have a considerable amount of stockpile in advance, so that if you face any writer's block on your journey, your novel won't be affected. Plus, you would also be able to take a break, however do keep that advanced number of chapters steady.
Sneakycat098 what if a person has already started writing without a stockpile ready? How do I make one? Do I write more chapters everyday and only post one to save the rest for some time? Or?
Sneakycat098 That makes a lot of sense, thank you!
Choka yes, that sounds perfect. It might be difficult, but extra efforts will be needed