You have reviews mine na.?
Don't worry. I am just going to do the same to yours.
Anyways thanks for the reviews.πŸ€—πŸ€—

    See done reviewing .Can you say me how you get power stones.? I am new here.😭😭

      Done done reviewing. Please see.
      But honestly I liked it really from the bottom of my heart.
      Can you say me how did you got those powetstones..? I am new here.😭😭

        Annran hey did u just copied my review of ur story and paste it in mine??
        I really didn't understand what u have did... Sorry to say that...But u should have reviewed honestly as we author do with each otherπŸ™„..

        And also l believe u r not the last one to review my story as well ☺️☺️..
        Thank u...

          Nah actually I loved your review so wrote it....and it was my honest one.
          It was so good....that nothing else come to my mind...sorry for it.
          Should I change it.?

            Annran no it's okay... U already did it so it's okay...
            I just wanted to let u know that never do this to any other novel...Just write whatever u think about their novel and don't just copy paste..

              Your literature was good. So I did.
              As my literature isn't that good....I thought I may write something wrong. I thought I was useful....
              Ik my mistake now...Sorry.

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