can you tell what is this about?
and how it works?
PS in exchange for chapter comments
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Lee_Hazel so basically I made a deal with my dear friends here in exchange for a review and comments on my book I give them a power stone.
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You reviewed my book so I am giving you a stone
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Lee_Hazel Thank you
pink_lollie24 I've commented! Verify.
Subtorren I've commented.please just tell me how many ps in general you can send me and how many chapters comments you want,so I can comment once!
@"Lee_Ha. I can comment on chapters and paragraph for ps.2 chapter comments and 1 paragraph comment for a ps.let me know when you are ready for a deal!
pink_lollie24 sorry l couldn't see ur msg early....
I m going right away for the reviews... And thanks for the ps
_Rockbison_ I will gift you one ps, here is my link:
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Subtorren done also added to my library ...... Waiting for ur ps now and hope u will also add mine to ur library... Thank u..
_Rockbison_ done!
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_Rockbison_ I am interested. My novel is
@"Rockbison"#p589371Author's Review Here: This is not perfect, still unedited and shitty at all but, I hope you enjoy reading this. Thanks!
Would you like to read something 'different'? WAY different from those mediocre ones you had encounter in any reading website? Do not fret, as I, Ms. Author, introduce you to my Series: 'Tales of the Demon Hero'
Book I. Synopsis: A Kingdom in distress relies on the wisdom of an old ‘Book’ alongside with their ‘Imperial Princess’, and her chosen candidate, the ‘Demon Witch’. This is the story on how one of these ‘Demons’ became as their ‘Imperial Hero and Ruler’… in strange way.
You might found this a little - NO! A lot strange for you, Reader, but I highly appreciate any reviews/reactions/comments for these stories. Will try to read yours if you have one writing at the moment.
Thank you.
_Rockbison_ I'm interested! is your rate again?
Megan_Immanuella yo didn't know how to check notifications XD are you still interested in review swap? What's ur book.
Megan_Immanuella do I give ps for comment?
Emmanuelboss36_ sure.
When you're done let me know so I can do yours.add me to your collection and ill do the same!
Emmanuelboss36_ yeah, firstly tell me how many comments you want and we will negotiate.My rate is 1 ps for 2 chapter comments and 1 does that sound?
Megan_Immanuella Cool I Gave ps and added to library. Only got 1 ps