Is anyone up for a review and comments swap?
Review swap
is anyone for review swap?
here's my link,MY%20FIRST%20LOVE
DaasWolfe Probably weird for you but, I welcome any kinds of reviews for this. So, here is mine. Thank you in advance.
Hello if anyone is interested in doing a swap. Here is my novel:
madiha_masood I have reviewed this on review swap, yet to hear back from you.
Zherie17 let's swap
here's my link
Loose_Pen let's swap. Here's my link['-starlight_24482881305635405](https://)
Zherie17 reviewed, commented and collected. Loved the crispness of your concept.
Loose_Pen reviewed, commented and collected, I hope you return the favor. Your writing is awesome!
Wow thanks! I’ll do yours as well.
Loose_Pen hey if you are up for a review swap my link
madiha_masood hey if you are up for a review swap my link
HairySquid hey if you are up for a review swap my link
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DaasWolfe Sweet_Vanilla553 Origin_Sage Para23 Jovilynx
dreamerx29 Megan_Immanuella cobalt_blue Grace_Harley1 madiha_masood
NobleRemmy Evorum Betty_Ozemoje Absolute_Qlipoth DymenStudios NanotechPikachu
HairySquid Zherie17 Loose_Pen blossoms_hkhk
Hello everyone, am casting a real wide net here.
Anyone who wants to do a genuine review swap + collection swap after reading all chaps please tell me.
My Books-
1) Masquerade of Madness (35 chaps)
Just need a good read and tell me what you think of it. Don't really need a review. Comments and colls help though.
2) Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake (7 chaps)
Need a review+ coll+ comments for this one.
Reply to this if interested.
You can also contact me on discord.
You can find my ID inkstone server.
blossoms_hkhk sure I’ll do it.
ThePotatoKing sure I could read all chaps and reviews project salvation and the first 6 for masquerade of madness. In return for 2 reviews how about power stones and 1 review?
blossoms_hkhk I finished the review. I think the writing and character design is excellent. Very well written novel.
Am interested. I will read through now. I would want an honest review and at least 5 chap read
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Will do so.
How many stones do you want?
sure thing!