If you don't get a swap from me right away, don't despair. I will always do a swap within 24 hours, I browse the webnovel almost all the time so don't worry that I'll bail on you.
Collection + review swap
AllFatherOmnis I do only cools and I've added yours to my library. This is mine
suxyki Done!
AllFatherOmnis Done! The link didn't work but I found your novella. If not, drop me a line and I'll fix it Thanks
- Edited
Zherie17 I fulfilled the collection. You'll have a review in an hour. Thanks
- Edited
Yo lets swap
Please give an honest review
Anyone willing to do a review swap?
Here' the link to my story.
Swap review with me?
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/god-named-sin_24864187106319505
Mystic_Dragon_ I am sorry but I am not eligible to read such content.
My book link
I only have 2 chapters released
Avika_Vats Are you up for review swap?
Mrtin_Monarch I apologize for my inactivity. I haven't had time to browse the forum at all. I've been busy and typing up a novel was a bit much. I will read your novella in two days and give an honest review.
Cool thanks