dreamerx29 What if you just keep reading it for nothing in return and give paragraph or chapter comments everytime you do so? I'll appreciate it..
Just A Humble Request:
dreamerx29 are you interested in a swap review ?
DymenStudios If I do yours will you add my Novel to library with being a loyal reader....I mean daily reader? Not important if you start from the beginning...but follow the upcoming new chapters or start from the last volume...
- Edited
Ink_Quanta Yeah, I can become a daily reader of yours if you do the same for me. I'll leave chapter comments when I read I'll start from the beginning but I will do so later today because I have something to do right now. Leave your novel link. Here is mine and please be honest in your review no sugar coating
Ink_Quanta Sure I will continue reading it.
DymenStudios I have add your book. Will read and review soon. Here is my link, https://m.webnovel.com/book/the-phantasm-of-magic_24864643205062405
dreamerx29 added yours.
Ink_Quanta You can also add mine to your library and I will do the same. No review Swap
Grace_Harley1 Sure! Just did!
dreamerx29 Did the review! Don't forget to leave chapter comments! Please
Ink_Quanta I just did yours
Ink_Quanta will be willin to do so if you can do the same for me.https://m.webnovel.com/book/fighting-destiny_22334384405748505
Megan_Immanuella Did yours ! Also added...do the same...https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24187282305602405?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4321114691 Thanks!
dreamerx29 Please do and also leave chapter comments or paragraph comments...the only source of motivation here...
Ink_Quanta sure! I've done yours!
Ink_Quanta um interested .ill start tomorrow.
Megan_Immanuella Thought You were going to start reading my Novel and leaving chapter comments...,
Ink_Quanta check out my first chapter and put a comment if you want.
Ink_Quanta i have commented on your book. Hope you continue to do the same