Kana_Haisha Sure. Count me in.
Here the link.
Let me know when you are done with honest review.
Genuinely Constructive Review Swap
Sigheti sure, I went a little overboard with my plot analysis, but only because you left nothing else for me to critique. Goddamn you are a good writer, I'm actually jealous of your descriptive ability. Insane.
I'll just link the screenshots as not to spoil some of your plot here:
Kana_Haisha Will you do the review swap with me? I hope you give me honest feedbacks.
Here's the link.
Sigheti Will you like to review mine? I'll do the same for you. And I hope the comments and reviews express your honest feelings.
Here's the link
Sakura_Charmash wanna swap reviews and comments? Just hoping for genuine remarks.
Here's the link.
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@Kana_Haisha thank you so much for the time and energy you put in this! I’ll take it with me as I continue writing (and rewriting) the story.
Also your take on them both being asshole’s: you’re absolutely right. I tried to walk the edge with it, and I’m afraid I overdid it. You’ve given me a lot to think about.
Also I’m screaming at the compliments. Thank you and have a great day
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Sigheti Will you give your honest review and comments to my story?
Here's the link
Just let me know if you agree to it.
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I'll review swap with you if you will have me. I'm doing a fan fiction, so it might be somewhat different from what you're used to. That said, it's high-octane action in an alternate universe with lots of mayhem and fun.
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@EveZenier I dropped a nice, comprehensive review on your fiction. I hope it helps.
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@EveZenier I promised my honest opinion, and I delivered. I’m sorry if you’re disappointed, and I really hope you aren’t too discouraged after reading my review and my comments.
I’m looking forward to your feedback as well.
Sigheti No problem. I am more than happy that you shared your honest feelings. If you did not find my story to your liking, then I can just work hard to make it better so that you could like it. Besides, It was my first story and I didn't give it much thought. Just wrote it for fun. After my exams are over, I will surely work hard on improving my mistakes and making it more interesting than ever before.
EveZenier added yours to my library. Will review and comment within the day.
EveZenier Reviewed and tried to point out what I think needs improvement. All the very best for your writing.
I'm looking for chapter and paragraph comments and a collection swap if possible. Here is my link, when you feel inclined to return the favor. [https://m.webnovel.com/book/snow-n'-starlight_24482881305635405](https://)
Sakura_Charmash I have checked it out. So, let me be honest. I have my exams by the end of this month. So, I cannot read your book completely. Rather, I can try to read the first few chapters and write a review based on them. Hope you understand my point of view.