I wanted to grind some spirit stones, so I threw my invite link into a school email group, so about 300-400 people now have my invite link.
I got some friends who signed up for me, (like 5 or 6 or something) but they told me they arent receiving their 100 spiritstones, and I'm also not getting anything to claim in my notifications.
I do however get the 'invite 20 friends 16/20 completion' which was first 10/10 so I know it works.

Also, the app invite link and browser invite link are different, does this matter?

It also looks like their profile changes arent getting through.

    2 months later

    recently i invited some of my friend, but they said when they click on the link that i send, there's no sign up button/link. how do i get the exp and stones if they can't sign up?

      Just click the button "Read Now", then the page will be redirect to the sign in page, your friends can use third-party account to login, there is no need to sign up, thanks.


        I just tested it, that would only be the case if they log in with facebook,twitter or google but its NOT the case with email. since this one tells you to sign in but you don't have an account yet. --> you can't sign in with your email.

          Yep, if new friends are invited, only the third party sign-in is available, the option for sign-in with email is for those who already have webnovel accounts. Thanks.

            shllove so what's the point we invited them?we got nothing retur, no exp, no stones

              Only new webnovel users can let you get bonus rewards, thanks.

                I think there's a problem with facebook right now. Dunno

                  Could you please tell us your friends' num id, we will compensate you if we make sure they are new members of webnovel, thanks.

                    I guess they figured out that you can easily farm thousands of spirit stones by using disposable emails.

                      Bob1 looks like its hard to cheat here for using fake email address or new born emails.

                      I got the same problem a friend of mine registerted today and we got no spirit stones :(.

                        Ryxvert invite about 3-4 people.., they dont get the 100 initial stones and i dont get the stone for invites

                          Stop necroing this post... Whoops I also necro'd.

                            Exitiumm Wow this post is from November 17th 2017 lmao. Mods need to be able to close down topics hahah

                              All the SS can be obtained in your inbox, plz check it, thanks.

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