I was wondering since the 3 year anniversary shows how many daus you've had an account. Where the OG's at?
I'm at 1056 days a member as of today, for reference 3 years is about 1095 days.
I was wondering since the 3 year anniversary shows how many daus you've had an account. Where the OG's at?
I'm at 1056 days a member as of today, for reference 3 years is about 1095 days.
yep, but not just on the apps. I also can't login on my pc :/ How am i ever gonna read 8 hours now
Webnovel is just down, not the website but the books i guess
I love it, the moment i saw it was available i bought a subscription. I think the price is just perfect and affordable for the ones who love to read daily, while keeping the SS option for people who read sometimes. Hope we 'early' supporters get a badge!
I get validation error 401
MysticGuardian lol not faster at all, same rare as normal. But they get you with the mass release that they do 1 time when they go premium.
I can accept him being sick, we all get sick. Sometimes even for months. But I would like atleast an OFFICIAL statement from Qidian or the translator himself that he is sick. Not 1 short almost non explaining comment from another translator... 'translator is sick' not even a 'sorry guys the TL is sick right now' just a 'translator is sick' I support qidian, but do not like the mentality that's i am seeing happening with Ultimate Scheming System, and hope for some improvement in this.
So basically qidian is going full 'ignore' on this???
It also looks like their profile changes arent getting through.
I wanted to grind some spirit stones, so I threw my invite link into a school email group, so about 300-400 people now have my invite link.
I got some friends who signed up for me, (like 5 or 6 or something) but they told me they arent receiving their 100 spiritstones, and I'm also not getting anything to claim in my notifications.
I do however get the 'invite 20 friends 16/20 completion' which was first 10/10 so I know it works.
Also, the app invite link and browser invite link are different, does this matter?