@Lazy_Cat_Kush Review posted, pen name: Nightmare_Taichou
Review Swap (Screw it, just be shameless)
DJRogue thank you for your advice... i will put more effort into it...
I finished reading your stories and have given the review.Thanks a lot once again!
DJRogue Review done. Sweet read. I've noted down the weaknesses I saw, as well as the strengths.
DJRogue Agreed. I'm not done with your story yet, but so far I am loving the build of The Phoenix Aspect.
Too bad this swap is not for me.
One item in queue. I could take one more. Any swaptakers?
StenDuring would you like to swap with me?
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jikanyotomare In queue
Edit: And with that I have 100 chapters in total to read. Not taking any more right now.
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Leialeial Kimmyah Tomochinyan EldridSmith cola_addict Tearing_Sanctuary Hokobishu TawnyWrites Ierrech DrunkenShadow MishalZamir NEidarous Kodac blue_cloud DSNate
Continued. View results at:
Last post: Book_Keeper
DJRogue I am. Sorry it took so long to reply!
DJRogue Done with the review. Awesome work! Slow but rewarding.
I'll be frank and pose the question if you want me to do the review. I'm ten chapters in and as far as I can tell you won't be very happy with my review.
I'll continue reading, but I won't post a review unless you explicitly give me an OK to do so.
StenDuring please do... i need it to improve myself..
jikanyotomare Oki, I'll proceed.
jikanyotomare Review done. Please don't kill me; I did ask in advance.
And that leaves me with an empty queue. Any swaptakers?
Your comment came just in time! In a few minutes, I'll have something up that hopefully helps you (and everyone else)! ;)
StenDuring thank you for your review... its quite harsh...huhu...
however, what you write is true, since this is my first novel in english and i am bad at using grammar there will be many mistakes. thank you for point it out... i will try my best to fix it...
jikanyotomare I really didn't enjoy hacking away as I did, but I've given myself a promise to keep my integrity as a reviewer. If any consolation at all, I hope it'll help you create a better story.