Review Swap (Screw it, just be shameless)
Jamison_C I will surely do it by tonight(it is morning here).Thanks for the review!
Jamison_C i have put your novel into my library, i will read it first then i will gave you my feedback
- Edited
More done. For info, view last post: Book_Keeper
DJRogue i just added you into my library. i will give you feedback when i finish read it... hope you can review mine as well
link :
Skittlez9653 Done Skittle - your story is interesting - curious to see where you go with it. Punction and grammar do need a bit work though.
jikanyotomare Thanks Climbersitsme, added your novel to my library, will give you review once I am finished.
UnliMegane Hi UnliMegane, I am interested. You can find my novel [The Phoenix Aspect]
StenDuring Hi Sten, I'm interested in a swap, here's mine [The Phoenix Aspect] Reply if you are interested in doing a swap.
Flarencess Hi Flarencess, I'm interested in a swap, here's mine [The Phoenix Aspect] Reply if you are interested in doing a swap.
Charlotte8 Hi Charlotte, I'm interested in a swap, here's mine [The Phoenix Aspect] Reply if you are interested in doing a swap.
Wanna swap? ;)
(It might be a little dark)
DJRogue Sure lets do a swap!
Here is mine :
jikanyotomare Okay finished reading your story and left a review. Just a small suggestion, I realize English isn't your first language, so most of the mistakes are understandable, but what I did battle with is the missing capital letters, especially using i instead of I - maybe use Grammarly extension from Chrome or Firefox - think it would help you with these common mistakes.
DJRogue In queue. I'm currently reading another, longish one, so my review won't be immediate.
lets_get_this_rice Hi, added your novel to my library, will leave a review once I am done.
Flarencess Hi Flarencess, added to my library, will leave a review once I am done.
StenDuring Hi Sten, awesome added yours to my library - will leave a review once I am done.
DJRogue Gocha. Still have a few left on my reading queue, so you may have to wait for a little while though.
@Lazy_Cat_Kush Review posted, pen name: Nightmare_Taichou