TheLonerLion I don't think your novel is bad actually, nor does it lack the reader base that it should be attracting, but damn... In my opinion, your synopsis was way too deep that people would actually get bored and look for another one, a lesson from the book of authors, "The first sentence of your synopsis, is the synopsis".
It's Payday! The activity is over and it's time to pay out the prizes!
Cobyboy you're right... but I can't just write a synopsis that basically spoil my original's content... should I do it? Especially when I rarely advertise my work. sigh and peoples love to read cliche plot anyway.
Original plot is a bit unwelcome... crying in a dark corner
The truth is, I can't write a good synopsis...
Don't think about your story that much in a synopsis, it's not a writing competition.
It's basically an advertisement or a banner of some sort, exaggerate some of it, (in a moderate amount of course)
crimsonmoonwolf apparently you are going too.
TheLonerLion what's the title? Lemme see if I can write a good synopsis for you in the reviews.
bachingchung Time Turner
Thank you in advance!
But can we authors get a full time contract? What are the basic requirements and how do we request one?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL The three week long activity WRITE ORIGINAL FICTIONS TO WIN WEEKLY PRIZES along with the other activity More Rewards for Original Novels has now concluded as of June 3rd! Thanks to all the authors and readers for supporting us! Below, you can find the specific list of rewards and the winners:
Congrats to the winner good job for your produk
So it turns out 2nd place and first place is the game dude on different accounts, he was purely writing to win the competition and as soon as it ended started neglecting the readers.
When do you plan to reward the winners of the RTW FF contest ? You are late since a longgggggggg time