Sereinchoo I've done everything
Collection, review and first chapter comment swap.
AkionF done with yours,
Sereinchoo It's done, thank you very much for your review and for the tips
cutest_miss ok, I'll be reading soon
Philia_Hilz the collection and review is done, I'm looking forward to seeing yours.
Read Awakened With A Complex Simplicity System [The Futian Series]
cutest_miss I'm done
Hello. Please I'm writing my first novel. The title is "They become One". Do check it out and leave reviews or comments. Thanks. Here's the link:
Read Awakened With A Complex Simplicity System [The Futian Series]
glalala00 I've added your book to my library. Please check mine out:
cutest_miss Sorry for the delay, I already did my review
Su_Jeong am done with the review and collection, I'm waiting for yours now,
Hi all! Please check mine out.
I'll do chapter comments and reviews for all who reply. Thank you.
cutest_miss Thanks. Can you please post your link again? It's not opening on my side
cutest_miss please can you post your link again?
Anyone up for a swap review
Read Awakened With A Complex Simplicity System [The Futian Series]
cutest_miss this is the best romance fantasy, drama, werewolves, vampires, action .
The Battle for Power: The Vampire Princess and the Lost Werewolf Prince.
don't miss out on it. it's the very best. . I'm telling u. not usual same plot that u read here
this is the best romance fantasy, drama, werewolves, vampires, action .
The Battle for Power: The Vampire Princess and the Lost Werewolf Prince.
don't miss out on it. it's the very best. . I'm telling u. not usual same plot that u read here