DazzlingGem I demand equal treatment! Freeeeeeeddddoooommmm! :angry:
Chronicles of Primordial Wars
Rextraos Then, STOP READING MY NOVEL!!! (I just saw you continued now!) And then we're back to this! Forget it! That just means I won't be considerate to you! Hmmp!
DazzlingGem Excuses, excuses. Is this novel not here to be read? If you want me to stop reading, you had best bribe me. Yes, I'm extorting/blackmailing you :smirk:
Rextraos It's not to be read by someone I know (or something like that) that's why I don't advertise. If you have read it without knowing that was mine, then I wouldn't stop you.
change topic
This is getting more like just a thread for us to talk. There was no one new posting here either. And it's been more than two weeks since even the current translator updated. I really don't want it to reach 2000 posts without being translated.
DazzlingGem Whatever.
DazzlingGem This is getting more like just a thread for us to talk.
Wrong! Objection! SquUr swings by every day with his 'up fetish' and to be pat, not to mention a few others drop by to say stuff too, therefore I deny your statement!
Yeah, didn't Master Barker decide to translate Supreme whatsitsname? He probably decided not to continue to translate CoPW due to not enough time/energy to do both, Qidian probably pays him more money than his donators for CoPW do too. Oh well, I can't blame him, you kept saying how his translation was bad and that you wished Qidian would pick it up and translate it instead, I mean that's the entire reason we are here and the purpose this post was created for.
If it did indeed get translated would this post even get to 2000 after the fact? I mean, who would post here? Fans who wish to discuss or something? Pretty sure that making a new thread with spoilers tag would be more efficient.
Rextraos It's not Master Barker translating this now. He was translating SoT. The current one was not good, and Master Barker will do Supreme Uprising so he probably won't pick this up.
And yeah, SquUr is also here, but I meant there was no one NEW aside from us. So, Where are the other fans? There were more before, when the thread started.
DazzlingGem Oh, that's a misunderstanding on my part. No one ever told me the translators name for CoPW and I assumed it was Barker because of how you said to him that if he didn't keep translating he wouldn't be liked anymore or something. Yeah, I don't read SoT.
DazzlingGem And yeah, SquUr is also here
I think you're writing him off too easily, 'also here' pfft. He deserves recognition for his ups. Oh, they probably gave up, or you drove them away with your conspiracy theories.
Rextraos How about you? Still not giving up? Still not driven away by my conspiracy theories? Wait! It was you cooking up those conspiracy theories!
DazzlingGem Your conspiracy theories, my conspiracy theories, what's the difference? As I see it, we are both in this together, partners in crime, comrades in arms, fellow survivors, why must we blame and fight amongst ourselves?
Anyways, like a small rural town, our golden days of the past are over, I sincerely doubt people will be interested in this here old, abandoned place that was once full of hope and change for the future. Yup, now only good ole' farmer Rex and his old rusted tractor as well as Gem the towns Mayor which family for generations has been the town's leaders, are still around, sure there are still traders like my good friend SquUr and others but this town has seen better days and continues to decline every year...why just last year two residents passed away and another three moved to the city, eyes gleaming with opportunity.
Rextraos Then, shouldn't we do something to increase the town's population? I now appoint you Vice-Mayor! You solve this problem.. as I'm busy.. doing.. u-umm.. Mayory stuff!
DazzlingGem Well sure, however, the premise was that we had to wait for someone to move here and play the game, by farming and slowly becoming friends with the residents as he/she attracts new residents both new and old.
Rextraos But you can still introduce new attractions in town to encourage them to come here before thinking of ways to make them stay. We already had a few young ones leave for the city. What made you think someone else will even come in this godforsaken place?!
DazzlingGem Because that's how the game works, try as we will, no matter what we do or how hard we try, we won't make a difference. We must wait for the gamers to create an avatar and move here, the worst thing about this is that they won't even talk to us most of the time because we are already unlocked and they find that boring. So here we are, waiting for them to come, knowing full outright that they won't max out our friendship level to 10 or anything, and they will get all the glory of reviving the town.
I just hope they don't stop playing the game after 5 mins or we are both screwed and doomed.
Rextraos Then, we are DOOMED!
Seriously, where are the fans of CoPW?
DazzlingGem I am a fan of Atlus, Etrian Odyssey, CoPW, Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons.