Tianah_ann Done for yours too
Shameless collection Swap Just leave your novel link
Slayer0 done
Here is my naruto fanfiction Anyone wanna swap collections or review?
Deborah_13 https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24553240806229605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4322649635 here is mine. I'm reviewing yours now
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_Orange_ Are you down for the review swap or just a collection swap?
_Orange_ Thank you, I will write your story a review this Monday. We are currently out of town right now and we don't have a good internet in where we are staying. Don't worry once I get home I will read and review your story.
_Orange_ its also done for you. Thank you.
_Orange_ link failed
Hi guys, just uploaded a new chapter of The Siren's Legacy. Here's the link
here's mine, I am also open to review swaps
ashk29 I've added yours
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@_Orange_ Done too(≧◡≦) ♡
Love your novel btw o(≧▽≦)o