So, most readers are 12-35. What about gender? Do people mostly identify as male or female? Or are they more or less equally distributed?
UnhingedTaboo Sci-fi and western fantasy could actually work together. Fully immersive virtual reality in fiction is booming lately, but I feel most stories fail to explore the societal, technological, and philosophical aspects of such a future. That, however, might be too hard to write given the time constraints. It's something I've been wanting to do though.
Water0202020 I actually agree with you, but with a catch. The problem with most harem stories is the fact that they are generic. Like most genres, when done right, they can shine. A harem story is all about its characters and their interpersonal relations, and that's where most harem stories fail. Most have dull empty copy paste characters with copy paste dynamics. A story with characters that feel real and develop throughout in meaningful ways, is worthy of praise, especially in a harem setting where that is especially hard to write. Even then, I am myself guilty of enjoying copy paste harems now and then in manga and anime, but never in written works xD
Your replies inspire me to ask another question. What do readers here prefer? Generic stories or stories that challenge the reader to think? I don't want to start a discussion about which is better, but which one is preferred on Webnovel. Personally, on my virtual bookshelf, I have space for both. The stories I enjoy and that inspire me the most, are of the latter, but after a hard day's work, or when I'm emotionally tired, I mostly read generic fiction.