2 hours since you wrote a post about forum posts not getting an answer and you still don't have an answer. That is quite ironic indeed
Well, I haven't written any post yet, so I can't really answer your question, but I have seen quite a few posts that don't get an answer or get them really late
How many of your forum posts don't get an answer?
ShouldBeStudying yep yep, mine get pretty delayed replies if any but i guess it's cause they get drowned out by others ahaha
none. Although I don't get many replies, but all of my posts get replied.
TheLonerLion the girl avatar does the trick
ShouldBeStudying time to change your Avatar. Lel
ShouldBeStudying 80% for my bullshit(*cough I am being humble here.....)
I have never, not received a reply to any post that I expected a reply to, I've made one that I expected no reply, and got none for almost a month, so that's why the wording.;,;.
ShouldBeStudying I think its because I'm an old member in this society.
Well some are honestly duplicates of older posts or a question answered long ago. Like asking how to write for webnovel.
The forum has a search function for a reason. I think that's one of the things that cause people no longer to bother with replying.
It seems kinda okay to me. .-.
ShouldBeStudying There is an FAQ after all, honestly nearly most if not all questions have been answered there. Check it out.
Tugster :heart: finally decided to join the forums again or is this a one off?
Neverfire7 One-off :shy: