well, if you can't afford it?.. maybe it's time we stop to reading fiction..
Keep it FREE for everyone, $6.95 Monthly Subscription to read ahead & ad-free
jinxsan i can afford it unlike others who need the ad model as they are college/uni/school or just plain broke not thru their choice, but like hell do I want to pay for a load of book's
I will never want to read, especially some of the over the top nationalistic and racist stuff that's been released on the main qi site in china in the past or still now and has been tl'd in the past on other sites in the west like GT with SW like when the mc visits japan in that part of the arc
that's why I've said even within this post why not release epubs or arc's (when finished) or whole books then you can buy what you want to read like I love Once Upon A Time, There Was A Spirit Sword Mountain ( which is one of the better ln's on this whole site and has a great tl team, but ranks a lot lower then it should do but thats my oppion ) give me a hardback or released arc's as epub's I'll be more than happy to by them and i think they shoulkd be sold on here so, in fact, the website makes more, but also on amazon as that can be used for free backdoor adversiment of the site by selling the top tem ln's etc on the site
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Depending upon their goals in the long run, even 24$/per year or 2.33$/month subscriptions could be feasible for maintenance costs -- then adding additional optional tiers for those who wish to contribute more. The market for these English translated novels is still relatively small. It would not be smart to charge a large fee for premiums as of yet.
Ad impressions still average $1/1000, therefore there is still a large difference.
it so fascinating to read all these ideas,discussion and debates that i even forget to read latest novel chap..i like all these ideas and hope all can be implemented(i dont know anything pls dont cry at me) cuz i also have 2 3 novels i want to fully support as they are not popular in this site.hope u guys debate more cuz i want read these rather then some novels haha...
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PrehistoricDevil actually this thread is unnecessary because QI have plans. In the end they are just wasting their time on debating this subscription thing
Jlix19 who knows maybe they will consider it ...
Maybe they are undecided between paywall and freemium? I don't think it has been set in stone about what QI will do.
QI will have 2 choices in the near future since ad-revenue isn't enough:
1) Paywall (in China, it's $0.02 per chapter so it might be $0.04 here)
2) Freemium service where everyone can read for free and charge extra monthly for those who want a premium experience. About 5-10% of the users will subscribe.
Qidian can choose to experiment with Qidian International since QI will always be tiny compare to Qidian.
QI doesn't have to follow Qidian's paywall model. It can choose freemium service instead....which is very popular in the West (Hulu, Spotify, Pandora Radio, Wattpad, Crunchyroll, Dramafever, Viki, New York Times, Washington Post all offer free services and charge a monthly subscription for those who want Premium service.)
Look at the New York Times digital ad revenue and digital-only subscriptions:
NY Times website is a freemium service since users can read news article for free. Pay monthly to read more news article and ad-free experience.
DIGITAL AD REVENUE: $49 million for the quarter x 4 quarters a year = $196 million a year
DIGITAL-ONLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: $86 million for the quarter x 4 quarters a year = $344 million a year
Obviously, Qidian International won't have anywhere near the New York Times total users. Even 2% of NY Times digital would mean $4 million a year in ad-revenue and $6.9 million in digital subscription revenue.
The company said on Wednesday that digital advertising revenue in the quarter rose 11 percent, to $49 million. The company also added 105,000 net digital-only subscriptions for its news product, helping to push digital subscription revenue to $86 million, a 46 percent increase compared with the same period a year ago. Over all, the company said, total revenue increased 6 percent in the quarter, to $386 million.
Including subscriptions for its crossword and cooking products, The Times now has nearly 2.5 million digital-only subscriptions.
Reference: TOS:4 (Payment) https://m.webnovel.com/help/terms_of_service
They have plans alright.
Cridole that's a standard ToS for most sites just to cover their arse's even if they weren't soing to sale stuff ( but they will at some point) I even have it on my company site and we don't sell online apart from the odd thing on eBay , it's like in the UK , you have to have full disclaimers on company emails and it's a whole lot of bs but you have to do it by law
Pizz Mhm, I get it. But still... the wording is more suggestive than other sites declaring "rights to charge fees" as opposed to "may charge".
Hmm... well, I may be wrong, since they have declared their intentions:
well we've always known they will change for something, but at this point is can be anything, like epub's vip , stones etc etc etc, as I said I think you reading to match into it but I understand where your coming from
Crunchyroll: $83.4 million subscription revenue
Crunchyroll ad-revenue (let's assume 50% of subscription revenue): $41.7 million a year
= $125.1 million a year in revenue
Qidian International 5% of Crunchyroll = $6.255 million a year
Qidian International 7.5% of Crunchyroll = $9.38 million a year
Qidian International 10% of Crunchyroll = $12.5 million a year
Rome wasn't built in a day...so it will take time for QI to grow in popularity, attract more users, gain more monthly paid subscribers. Even 10% of Crunchyroll size 3-4 years from now would generate $12.5 million a year in revenue.
Rooster Teeth niche video streaming: 250,000 paying subscribers
Crunchyroll’s video business includes more than a million subscribers paying at least $6.95 per month to access a large library of anime titles as well as merchandise, events and more. The channel also has an ad-supported, free tier, which it has used as a marketing vehicle to get those interested in anime to eventually pay for access to more content and perks.
It’s a model implemented by other niche streaming channels reaching passionate fan bases. For instance, Rooster Teeth, the Austin, Texas-based digital studio owned by Fullscreen, in which Otter Media owns a majority stake, has built a membership program that has roughly 250,000 subscribers paying at least $4.99 per month, according to a source. Rooster Teeth also uses its site and YouTube as ad-supported free tiers.
It looks like niche streaming service Rooster Teeth also use the freemium model and now have 250,000 paying subscribers who pay at least $4.99 a month.
Rooster Teeth is on par with QI in term of Android app downloads.
100,000 - 500,000
----------------even if QI is only 1/3 the size of Rooster Teeth's 250,000 paying subscribers, that is still a lot of paying subscribers.
Enlightened_Being so true
I really just want to get rid of the ads on mobile. Let me pay the premium for that.