There was one time when I've read that IRAS went to Hiatus (the raws, not the translations) because of some trouble with SARF (I might be wrong tho) and I've read this months ago. There's also a rumor that the author just went on Hiatus in order to wait for Events that he will base an arc of the novel from. Wondering if the Hiatus is lifted or not.

Edit : There's also another theory that the novel got banned on China because Disney Copyrighted it. The latest chapter has Disney's [Let It Go!] so maybe Disney really copyrighted it. Latest chapter on LNMTL is 1695, and that chapter was released months ago.

Edit 2: It seems like when the Author, Chang Yu, got IRAS on Hiatus, he started to work on another novel. May I ask if anyone knows whats the name of the novel?

    Herebia Edit : There's also another theory that the novel got banned on China because Disney Copyrighted it. The latest chapter has Disney's [Let It Go!] so maybe Disney really copyrighted it. Latest chapter on LNMTL is 1695, and that chapter was released months ago.

    This isn't true.

    I was told that he was taken down because he portrayed SARFT in a negative light (Old Wu abusing her power for the MC etc.), so he'll have to go and re edit those bits before he's allowed to publish it again. As of now, I think still doesn't have his novel there. I guess it'll take a few more months.

      It was banned due to political reasons (Old Wu), nothing to do with Disney. Chang Yu has not started writing a new novel. He only set up a new novel to convey to his fans that the book got banned.

        CKtalon So, according to this, the solution I can think of is that he can back track and redact those moments with Old Wu abusing her powers just like how he handled those sexy time moments around the early 400 chapters? Or it is not that simple? Can we expect him continuing IRAS or is this situation unsolvable?

          Neverfire7 Hahaha, the latest chapter showed the lyrics [Let It Go!] so that might be one of the reasons why people speculated that he got Copystriked by Disney.

            Neverfire7 lol it's hilarious that when other Nation being bad mouthed in the novel, it's okay. However, once SARFT got involved with nepotism and sh*ts on fire suddenly.

              Old wu not abusing power = Random female ML just to make filler chapters

                Indiboy So you mean that the only thing that seperates Old Wu to the generic Female Lead is her abusing her authority? That's kinda funny 😂

                  Indiboy So you mean that the only thing that seperates Old Wu to the generic Female Lead is her abusing her authority? That's kinda funny 😂

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