I want an unusual amount of mass release :o from unusual novels that have not had mass release :o

chocholate Hi Chocolate, someone campaigned for the mass release of Pick up A son..but I could not find it in Amazon. It's my first time so I just probably am at the wrong pages. Do you happen to have a link?

    Thank you for being so generous with the mass release of FMHM. Now I shall only await for the hope that the next mass release may include Evil Emperor's Wild Consort.

    I wanted to review on Amazon, but every time I get an error. >.<
    I guess its related to my countrys account 😒
    Thanks for the mass release!

      Thank you so much for this wonderful surprise

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Heads up; Snowman Lab's audiences is misspelled. "Webnovel Lab Experiment will introduce some interesting and lab projects to test new features and new trends in diversed communities and auidences."

          omg I'm crying thank you so much I thought there won't be any mass release for HM 😚😚

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