What is required for the next mass release of Hidden Marriage? I love that novel and spending the stones is worth the read.

    TsoiHi tsoi, sugar plum lied to you! 😑
    You can see the link that qidian post on forum under the thread TGIF#19! 😁
    Sorry i couldn't copy the link since i opened it using my hp! Good luck!

      Is therea chance to have another mass release for full marks hidden marriage???

      Thank you so much for the mass release of FMHM. Im so happy! 😍

        47 chapters of FMHM.. Are those free chapters or you have to spend SS on it?

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Thank you for the mass release!!! Are you going to count the international sites for Amazon they are not all connected! So there are more than just 47 reviews.

          This is what I call a mass release
          Thanks You!!!

            The feeling of TAP TAP TAP oh god! Im starting to love Snowman al hmmm When are they planning to put it to App store? Can't wait

            Thanks for the mass release for Full Hidden Marks!!!!

              I would like to become the 'Elite Participant' for the SNOWMAN AI Experiment. Where do I submit my reports?

              Thanks for the mass release of HM. I also need to say a big thank you for the mass release of Venetated Venomous consort. Please hope there will be more of VVC next time. As per Snowman it's working, hope there will be voice. Thanks for all the goodies.

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