If you want to do it on a PC/Laptop then use chrome and go to Dev Tools from which you can change the device the browser percieves you as.
Celebrate for the World Cup 2018 - Build your Supportive Card for fun
BlackAsura me too!
Hey how do I post the image here?
yep the link: acts.webnovel.com/labs/worldcup/ is not working in firefox on PC for me
I will slay everyone who obstructs my path with my Heavenly Football Arts
p.s: those who don't have facebook, twitter or friends like me you can upload your card here
sigh If it doesn't work on pc, at least say so
How to post the image here? I got a good one xD
No badge no play
not found...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL acts.webnovel.com/labs/worldcup/
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@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL #WC2018CARD #Webnovel4300177244
Sweden just won against Mexico with 3-0, one of which was a stupid own goal by a Mexican player. Of course As I'm from Sweden I'm cheering on them if I'm cheering on anyone
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#WC2018CARD #Webnovel1377472171
As an American, it feels deeply unpatriotic to support soccer.
Rest of the world feels for you! (๑◕︵◕๑)